Monday, September 18, 2006

Welkom in Hellwood!

"Their voices are chalk and cheese. . . Johnny Dowd's is an earthy rumble, Jim White's is a reedy moan. But this meeting of two great outsiders is a master-class in noirish ruminations from the deep south set to soupy, funked-up rock 'n' soul. . . Joining them in their imaginary nightmare outpost of Hellwood, population 3, is multi-instrumentalist Willie B. Between them, they kick up an unholy racket. They appear to strike up a rich, but questioning dialogue with God. Clearly Katrina and the war in Iraq are on their minds but so are humdrum human concerns—all ingredients in the big chainsaw of life. Genius." Hier heb ik niets meer aan toe te voegen. Zalig zijn zij die dit heerschap live aan het werk kunnen zien in de AB op 5 oktober a.s. Enkel hopen dat Dowd zijn drankzucht kan uitstellen tot na het optreden

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